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HERE’S another post on Dreher’s going home, which isn’t meant to be critical at all.

I certainly agree with Gene Callahan that comparing a real town with a movie town isn’t fair. But the truth is I know less about Rod’s real town than I do about the movie town. And the movie town is seen, in some large measure, through the lens of a sociopath. But I admitted the portrayal is an exaggeration. It’s also worth remembering that the movie portrays the sociopath as having flourished—as a really mean girl—in the small town. I do live in a fairly small southern toward that seems comparable in some ways to the town shown in the movie. Among the big differences, though: My town includes three colleges and maybe a couple hundred MDs. Surely the South, we might add, is more interesting than Minnesota—and Atlanta a more invigorating and cosmpolitan big city than “Minnie-apple.”

Pete is already thinking past the inevitably fairly inconclusive Iowa results. So I will too.

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