Theology as Science?

Theology as Science? January 27, 2004

Barth quotes from J. Gerhard, who rejected the designation of theology as a science. One of his grounds was: ” scientiae certitudo ab internis et inhaerentibus principiis, fidei vero ab externis videlicet ab autoritate revelantis pendet ,” which in substance means that science derives its certainty from principles that are internal and inherent, while the truth of faith depends on the authority of an external revelation. This has wide ramifications for our understanding not only of theology as a discipline but for Christian faith in general. It is a statement of anti-foundationalism before foundationalism, it interestingly distinguishes between the “certitude” of science and the “truth” of faith, it is a presuppositionalist statement before presuppositionalism, and grounds the life and assurance of God’s truth in the historical and factual revelation in Christ and Scripture, rather than internally in the heart and conscience.

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