A Few Notes on Luke 20

A Few Notes on Luke 20 February 18, 2004

1) There’s a new symmetry to the story of the challenge to Jesus’ authority in verses 1-8. On the one hand, there’s a clear chiastic structure:

A. Authority: Question
B. John’s baptism: Question
B. John’s baptism: No answer
A. Authority: No answer

There’s also the pattern of alternative speakers:

A. Priests ask question
B. Jesus answers with a question
A. Priests reason and don’t answer
B. Jesus refuses to answer a question

2) There’s yet another stone reference in v 17: Jesus is the cornerstone that has been rejected by the (temple) builders, but who is going to become the chief stone of a new temple. The cryptic warning in v 18 is clarified by recognizing that Jesus’ references to stones throughout this section of Luke have to do with the temple. Those who fall on the stone are those who become worshipers of the new temple, but others will be crushed underneath the falling stones of the temple. Jesus’ warning here, then, is similar to His warning in chapter 13, that those who do not repent will “likewise” perish ?Ei.e., their blood will be mingled with the blood of the sacrifices, and they will be crushed under falling masonry (as NT Wright puts it).

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