Gd’s Righteousness and Eschatology

Gd’s Righteousness and Eschatology February 2, 2004

As mentioned in an earlier post, Paul says that God works out salvation through the cross and resurrection so that “God might BE just and the justifier of those who are of the faith of Jesus.” That “be” is crucial; God would not BE just if He did not manifest His justice and righteousness in the world. It seems that this provides a deep ground for “postmillennialism”: By creating the world, He has committed Himself to seeing His creation through to the end, to bringing the creation to consummation. If God does not deal righteously in history, God’s righteousness is not demosntrated, and God simply IS NOT righteous. But God IS righteous, as He’s demonstrated in the cross and resurrection of Jesus, and therefore He WILL bring the creation to consummation. He will accomplish His purposes in history. Provocatively: If “postmillennialsm” is not true, God is not righteous.

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