Nonidentical Repetition

Nonidentical Repetition August 30, 2004

Is identical repetition possible? It would seem not. Sequence A (say, a musical theme) is repeated as sequence A’. The same notes are played. Is it identical repetition? No, because A’ has the distinct quality of coming AFTER A, and therefore is modified by that temporal context. Every sequence is necessarily modified by what precedes and follows.

The only way to affirm identical repetition is to claim that temporal context is irrelevant ?Ethat the time difference between sequence A and sequence A’ is an illusion ?Ethat every sequence occurs in a wholly distinct present. Quite logically, most philosophies that affirm a form of identical repetition also deny temporality in some fashion. Once time is affirmed, however, nonidentical repetition is the only game in town.

Note: Use this as proof of the existence of God: Identical repetition is impossible; therefore, God is Triune.

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