On the Indwelling Christ

On the Indwelling Christ April 6, 2005

From Luther’s Freedom of a Christian :

“as our heavenly Father has in Christ freely come to our aid, we also ought freely to help our neighbor through our body and its works, and each one should become as it were a Christ to the other that we may be Christs to one another and Christ may be the same in all, that is, that we may be truly Christians.”

And, we are Christians because “we are named after Christ, not because he is absent from us, but because he dwells in us, that is, because we believe in him and are Christ’s one to another and do to our neighbors as Christ does to us.”

Then this from the Formula of Concord: “we reject and condemn all the following errors . . . 6. That not God himself but only divine gifts dwell in believers.” The Latin: Repudiamus ergo et damnamus omnia falsa dogmata, quae iam recitabimus . . . VI. Non ipsum Deum, sed tantum dona Dei in credentibus habitare.” Who is the aimed at? Zwingli? Catholics? Both?

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