Delayed Parousia

Delayed Parousia October 27, 2005

Why the delay of judgment throughout 1-2 Kings? Two reasons: First, judgment is passed, but Yahweh waits for the sin of the Amorites to come to completion, for sin to ripen to be utterly sinful. Second, Yahweh gives time for the declaration of judgment to work repentance among a remnant.

Hence: Elijah pronounces the end of the Omride dynasty; there is a long delay, during which Yahweh forms a remnant. This remnant forms no doubt partly because some want to escape the wrath to come. A generation passes, and then judgment falls.

Hence also: Jesus declares the temple and Jerusalem doomed; but there is a generation delay during which the Lord forms a remnant within Israel that seeks to escape from the wrath to come.

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