The smooth way

The smooth way November 5, 2005

The NASB translation of Proverbs 11:5 says that the righteous and blameless will walk on a “smooth” way, while the wicked will fall into the potholes that dot his path. The way of righteousness looks easy; the way of wickedness is the difficult way. Yet, Jesus says that the wide and easy way is the way that leads to destruction (Matthew 7:13-15). These are not contradictory. Solomon is talking about the kinds of obstacles and pitfalls that necessarily face wicked people – as they are forced to expend energy and time dealing with the social, economic, and personal damage they cause. Jesus is talking specifically about the first-century context, when choosing to follow Him as The Way was a dangerous and radical choice. Yet, the contrast is important, and does show a shift in the NT, toward a more cruciform understanding of wisdom and of righteousness. The gospel reveals more clearly than in the OT that wisdom and righteousness take the form of self-giving for others.

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