
Exhortation February 19, 2006

Joash was a faithful king, but his faithfulness was not complete. He remained faithful, the writer of Kings tells us, “all his days in which Jehoiada the priest instructed him.” The parallel in 2 Chronicles 24 is more explicit: “Joash did what was right in the sight of the LORD all the days of Jehoiada the priest.”

We don’t know if Jehoiada somehow failed, or if Joash did, or both. But we know there was a failure. Joash was faithful only so long as Jehoiada was looking over his shoulder, correcting him, offering counsel and guidance, and this shows that somewhere something broke down in the transfer of leadership from one generation to the next.

This passage is a warning to parents, church leaders, or leaders in any sphere. It is a wonderful thing when our children respond obediently to our discipline. It is great to see a thriving young crop of teachers at a Christian school. It is encouraging when we see the Lord forming a new generation of Christian leaders within the church.

But it is not enough to train a new generation to live well while they are under our oversight. We must also do what we can to ensure that they will remain faithful when we’re no longer watching over them.

“I must leave all the fruit of my labor to the man who will come after me,” Solomon said, “and who knows whether he will be a wise man or a fool?” Only the Lord knows, and the next generation is in His hands, not ours. Do all you can to ensure that our children remain faithful when we’re gone, because someday we will be. But do it in faith, and surround all your efforts with prayer to the God who alone controls the future.

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