Pietist baptism

Pietist baptism September 21, 2006

Johann Arndt (1555-1621), one of theleaders of German Pietism, wrote of baptism: “This is the true new birth and the new creature that appears before God’s face, pure and holy, cleaned and purified through the blood of Christ and the Holy Spirit without any blemish. So perfect is this washing in the blood of Christ that the Bridegroom says: You are most beautiful my friend.”

Elsewhere: “Dear Lord Jesus Christ, you who have . . . instituted the holy sacrament of baptism . . . I thank you from the heart that You have through this sacrament led me into the holy Christian Church and thereby made me a partner of all your heavenly and eternal benefits . . . through baptism you have clothed me with your holy obedience, merit, righteousness, holiness, and innocence. Through the waters of baptism the Holy Spirit has created new life and changed a sinner into one who has been justified . . . You have received me because of your eternal grace and promise and bound me unto yourself through this means of grace.”

This is what all the fuss has been about the last few years: Presbyterians on the road to Pietism.

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