
Unveiled August 20, 2011

In the first wasf of the bride in Song of Songs 4, the bride is seen behind a veil. Her eyes are like doves “behind your veil” (v. 1), her temples like pomegranate “behind your veil” (v. 3; cf. 6:7).

There is no veil in the second extended wasf in 7:1-9. And the lover can see what he has not seen before – the curves of her hips (v. 1), her navel (v. 2), her belly (v. 2), her hair (v. 5). Her eyes are now “pools in Hesbon,” but the lover can see them without an intervening veil. The movement of the Song is an unveiling.

Allegorically: When the veil is rent, the Bride can enter the chamber to be with her Lord. But, just as importantly, when the veil is rent, the Lord can see His Bride in her full beauty.

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