Passover and Exile

Passover and Exile November 29, 2011

1-2 Kings mentions Passover in only one passage, describing the Passover of Josiah (2 Kings 23:21-23).

1-2 Chronicles places more emphasis on Passover. Hezekiel celebrates a massive Passover (2 Chronicles 30), as well as Josiah (2 Chronicles 35).

In both cases, Passover is mentioned only near the very end of the of the history of the monarchy, and it is shortly followed by the deportation to Babylon. Passover and Exile replaces the earlier Passover and Exodus.

And, this suggests that, at some point (already with Solomon?), Judah had become an “Egypt” from which the real Israel had to be delivered. Neither Matthew nor the prophets are the first to make the Israel-is-Egypt connection. It’s embedded in the history of the kingdom.

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