Trinity House: Robert Wilken says…

Trinity House: Robert Wilken says… January 11, 2013

The launching of Trinity House is very good news for theological education. Its program is at once fresh and innovative and at the same time rooted deeply in the Church’s most ancient traditions. This is no conventional academic institute. Its directors are as much interested in the practice of prayer and the Church’s worship as in the study of the Bible and theology. By linking its offerings to a vibrant urban congregation, it will form students who know by experience that theological learning, faith, mission and service go hand in hand. And like all genuine efforts of renewal in the twenty-first century, its programs will be thoroughly ecumenical. With Peter Leithart, a theologian of the first rank, as its director it will draw outstanding teachers from all over the world. Praised be Jesus Christ.

Robert Louis Wilken, William R. Kenan, Jr., Professor of the History of Christianity Emeritus, University of Virginia

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