Trinity House: A Pastor’s Perspective

Trinity House: A Pastor’s Perspective February 6, 2013

Throughout the Christian centuries the primary means God has used to form his people as Christ’s inheritance is their gathering to him in worship where they hear his word, rejoice in his grace, revere his Name, and receive his many gifts. For too long now this sacred meeting of man and God has been neglected as irrelevant, stripped of its beauty, or perverted into entertainment. Thankfully that decline is being reversed in many quarters, and this recovery of authentic congregational worship that is catholic, reverent, vibrant, and acceptable to God is going to be deepened and furthered by the Trinity Institute. I rejoice to see its birth, pray for its growth, and anticipate its fruitful ministry equipping many faithful servants of the Gospel. Trinity House will offer to Christ’s Church instructors in whose hearts are the highways to Zion, those who will surely help us all better see the vision of the Triune God enthroned on the praises of his people. Dead, drab worship is in deep trouble – Rejoice! Making God’s praise glorious with the majestic weightiness characteristic of heaven’s worship is the vision of this new venture, a vision worthy of support, prayer, and participation. May God bless Trinity House as it carries forward this vital work.

David Cassidy, Pastor, Redeemer Presbyterian Church, Austin, Texas

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