Gift of the Spirit

Gift of the Spirit June 9, 2014

At every stage of His incarnation, Jesus is involved with the Spirit.

Jesus was conceived by the Spirit, anointed with the Spirit at His baptism, offered Himself in the Spirit on the cross, rose by the power of the Spirit, and then at His ascension, the Father conferred the fullness of the Spirit as a coronation gift for His Son.

He doesn’t keep the Spirit for Himself. Ten days after His ascension to heaven as King of kings and Lord of lords, He poured out the Spirit He received from the Father on the disciples. He was conceived by the Spirit, and He conceives a new people by the Spirit. The Christ anointed with the Spirit anoints with the Spirit. Jesus offered Himself in the Spirit as a fragrant aroma to His Father, and gives that Spirit to kindle His people as altars, flame on their heads, living sacrifices. He rose by the Spirit, and by that Spirit His people rise to heavenly places. The Spirit is the Father’s coronation gift to the Son, and the Son hands over that Spirit to make His people a kingdom and priests. The Father’s coronation gift to the Son becomes the Son’s coronation gift to His people.

Jesus follows His own principle: Freely He receives, freely He gives.

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