Necessity of Atonement

Necessity of Atonement October 6, 2014

Questions about the “necessity” of atonement are usually framed in terms of the character of God and the nature of sinful humanity. Given these two factors, could God have followed any other path  than the cross? Augustine and Aquinas said Yes, Anselm said No.

But God and sinful humanity aren’t the only factors. The cross is preceded by a long history of God-with-Israel, and that history includes institutions of sacrifice, access and exclusion, substitution, etc. 

So the question is: Given the prelude to the cross in God’s history with Israel, was the cross necessary? The necessity of the cross is not simply theological; it’s salvation-historical.

We might say that the necessity of the cross is a narrative necessity, a suitable climax to the story of God and Israel.

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