Eschatological Lamb

Eschatological Lamb March 24, 2015

The final sequence of Revelation begins with the fourth “in Spirit” vision of John (21:9-10). From that point to the end of the book, the “Lamb” is mentioned 7 times (21:9, 14, 22, 23, 27; 22:1, 3). The Lamb is entering His Sabbath, the wedding feast with His Bridal city.

The seven references to the Lamb correlate, roughly, with the days of creation. As the Lamb brings new creation to fulfillment, He re-creates the world.

Day 1: The Lamb appears to John who is “in Spirit,” in the Spirit who hovered over the original creation (Genesis 1:2).

Day 2: The foundation of the city consists of precious stones bearing the names of the 12 apostles of the Lamb (21:14). The firmament foundation of the heavenly city is made of the Lamb’s followers.

Day 3: The Lord and the Lamb are the temple of God (21:22). The day 3 connection isn’t clear.

Day 4: The Lamb and the gory of God provide the light, replacing the sun and moon created on Day 4 (21:23).

Day 5: Nothing unclean enters the city, but only those whose names are written in the book (21:27). Day 5 is about crowd-creatures, and the Lamb’s city is swarming with those whose names are in the book.

Day 6: A river flows from the throne of God and the Lamb (22:1). When Adam was created, he was placed in the garden watered from the springs of Eden. The throne of the Lamb is the spring from which the river flows to water the land and make it fruitful.

Day 7: The curse is gone, the throne of God and the Lamb is established, and their bond-servants serve them (22:3). Eliminating the curse brings a final Sabbath, a continuous liturgy conducted by the bondservants of the Lamb.

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