Word Made Militant

Word Made Militant July 22, 2015

The figure on the white horse in Revelation 19:11-16 is identified as the “Word of God” (v. 13) and as King of kings and Lord of lords (v. 16). This is the eternal Word made flesh, now made warrior and king. This Word is no passive Word, but a militant, conquering word, the Word made flesh to dwell among us, the Word made warrior to fight, the Word made king to rule.

The vision in Revelation 19 has dramatic Christological import. It also has implications for our understanding of the word of God spoken and written. Jesus is not a book, not words on a page, but a living Person. But the Word makes Himself known by the written word, and so there is a kind of transfer of attributes one to the other.


The word of God is a rider on a white horse, going out conquering and to conquer.

The word of God is equipped with flame-flashing eyes and a mouth-sword to strike down nations.

The word of God is crowned, a royal word, a royal book.

The word of God wears garments dipped in blood.

The word of God treads in the wine press of the wrath of God.

The word of God judges and makes war in righteousness.

Armies of saints follow the word of God.

Every time we open the Bible, every time the Bible is read and preached, Jesus the Word speaks His conquering word through the word.

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