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Joe Carter is Web Editor of First Things.

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The Age of Faith and Reason

From First Thoughts

At the Catholic literary journal Dappled Things , Hugo-nominated sci-fi writer Michael Flynn puts to rest the myth that Christianity held back science during medieval times, and shows how it was rather the opposite that was true : The philosophers of the “Age of Reason” called the Middle . . . . Continue Reading »

Diagnosing the DSM

From First Thoughts

For the upcoming revision of the the upcoming fifth edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Diseases (DSM-5)—the psychiatry profession’s main diagnostic manual—the American Psychiatric Association asked for public comments on proposed changes. As economist Steve . . . . Continue Reading »

Outer Space Will Boil Your Tongue

From First Thoughts

Since a lot of readers of this blog are pro-space travel, I thought they might be interested in the answer to the question, “How long can a human live unprotected in space? ” The most fascinating part is how NASA found out this deadly information: At NASA’s Manned Spacecraft . . . . Continue Reading »

Ecological Catastrophe, Uneasy Conscience

From First Thoughts

Returning from seeing the devastation near his hometown of Biloxi, Mississippi, Russell Moore reflects on the failures of Christians to give due consideration to environmental protection : For too long, we evangelical Christians have maintained an uneasy ecological conscience. I include myself in . . . . Continue Reading »