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Rumors are flying this afternoon that CNN’s chief medical correspondent Dr. Sanjay Gupta will be named Surgeon General under the upcoming Obama administration. In a recent news report for CNN, Dr. Gupta openly criticized the expansion of conscience clauses for health care workers by the Department of Health and Human Services:

“The new proposal goes further by making it so that all health care workers from doctors to janitors who work in the hospitals may refuse to provide services, information, or advice to patient if they are morally against it. Critics fear that could mean anything from fertility treatments to abortion to stem cell research . . . .

[Organizations like the American Nurses Association] believe nurses and other health care professionals are there for the patient, and it’s the patient’s prerogative to make decisions on care based on their own beliefs, not the health care providers.

[I]t’s a bit of a slippery slope. I mean, when you say, I’m not going to provide care based on my own conscience — you know, my own conscience, I mean, you can imagine that opens up a whole wide range of possibilities, in terms of what is going to be treated and what is not.”

Looks like another appointee ready and willing to toe the pro-abortion line.

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