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Poor Philip Nitschke, so unliked, misunderstood, and unwanted. Here he is on a mission of mercy to permit old people to take Mexican animal euthanasia drugs if they are tired of life and to ensure that troubled teens to have access to the “peaceful” suicide pill in grocery stores. (Yes, he really said that.) He counseled Nancy Crick on suicide and lied to the media saying she was terminally ill. He imported and sold plastic suicide bags, but was stopped by the Australian authorities after yours truly busted his little enterprise in The Australian.

He travels from Australia, to New Zealand, and thence to the UK holding how to commit suicide classes, being fawned over by media, but he’s still not happy. And now, when he was willing to bring his compassion and talents to the UK, he apparently got a poor reception. So now he wants to live in the USA. From the story:

Philip Nitschke is considering moving to the US to continue his campaign for voluntary euthanasia after a hostile reception from British immigration authorities on the weekend.

The Australian campaigner known as “Doctor Death” said last night that until he was detained at Heathrow airport for nine hours on Saturday he had been considering moving to Britain to escape Australia’s increasingly tight restrictions on the dissemination of information on how to kill yourself. “That looks unlikely now, because after that reception I guess the British will be less likely to let me stay,” Dr Nitschke told The Australian. “I’m not sure, but we might be forced to move to the US, which still has freedom of speech and increasingly looks like a less hostile environment.”
This guy pushes suicide for anyone who wants it. He is not welcome here, either.

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