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Anyone interested in applying for the First Things  junior fellowship for next year needs to apply by midnight Sunday. See the boxed note on the  home page for details. It is a great opportunity for the young person interested in editing, publishing, religion and public life, engaging the issues important to religiously serious people, working in New York City, getting to know R. R. Reno, etc.

I mention this because last year even after we picked the new junior fellows, I heard from people I was sure would have known about it, who hadn’t known about it. I’d like to avoid again hearing some bright young person say with despair “If only I’d known . . . ” or some professor with lots of bright students ask “Are you guys still doing that internship thing?”

If you’d like to apply or want to encourage someone to apply, remember that — this being a magazine — a demonstrated ability to meet the deadline matters.

Dear Reader,

While I have you, can I ask you something? I’ll be quick.

Twenty-five thousand people subscribe to First Things. Why can’t that be fifty thousand? Three million people read First Things online like you are right now. Why can’t that be four million?

Let’s stop saying “can’t.” Because it can. And your year-end gift of just $50, $100, or even $250 or more will make it possible.

How much would you give to introduce just one new person to First Things? What about ten people, or even a hundred? That’s the power of your charitable support.

Make your year-end gift now using this secure link or the button below.



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