
Exhortation September 10, 2006

What is the message of the imprecatory Psalms? That Christians have an excuse to be mean-spirited, vicious, and vengeful? That Christians should distribute curses and blessings in equal measure? That Christians get to be macho and talk tough?

No. The main message of the imprecatory Psalms is the message of Jesus. Do not fear those who kill the body, Jesus says. Do not fear; you are more valuable than many sparrows. When Jesus appears after His resurrection, His first words are nearly always “Peace, do not fear.” This is the message of the imprecatory Psalms: Fear not.

How can we live fearlessly in a world of violence? How can we walk boldly through a small town where many believe lies about us, and some hate us? How can we face persecution without fear, anger, and vengeance?

The imprecatory Psalms teach us that there is a God who judges on earth. There is a God who takes up the cause of the oppressed. There is a God who does justice. Our God hears slander and lies, and knows that they are slander and lies; and the God who is truth will vindicate the truth.

Don’t be concerned about slander: God turns back liars. Don’t be afraid about attacks from the wicked: God avenges the blood of the righteous. Don’t worry about falling into a pit: For the Lord makes the wicked fall into the pits they dig.

This is the good news of the imprecatory Psalms: The LORD is for me; I will not fear; what can man do to me? (Psalm 118:6).

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