Eat Popcorn

Eat Popcorn May 22, 2007

In his highly entertaining history of American Advertising ( Adcult USA ) James Twitchell summarizes the dubious contribution of James Vicary to our understanding of subliminal advertising. Vicary claimed that by inserting subliminal messages to “Eat Popcorn” and “Drink Coke,” he had caused movie audiences to increase popcorn consumption by 57.5% and Coca-cola sales by 18.1%. Vicary never divulged how his experiments were controlled, or where he conducted them. Twitchell says he made them up.

In January 1958, Vicary flashed his “Eat Popcorn” sign before “an audience of members of Congress, bureaucrats from appropriate agencies, reporters, and broadcasters.” An advertising magazine, Printer’s Ink , summarized the results: “Having gone to see something that is not supposed to be seen, and having not seen it, as forecast, the FCC and Congressmen seemed satisfied.” Senator Charles Potter commented afterwards, “I think I want a hot dog.”

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