Trinity Institute: A Student Perspective

Trinity Institute: A Student Perspective October 22, 2012

The year I spent in Dr. Leithart’s classroom was rich, challenging, and formative. Although I was firmly grounded in the truth of Scripture before, I had grown blind to its beauty. It was Dr. Leithart’s emphasis on reading the Bible as a story—paying attention to its themes, motifs, and type-scenes—that rekindled my appreciation of Scripture. Dr. Leithart’s love for the Bible is infectious, and I walked away from each lecture with a greater understanding of the glory of the Bible’s structure and imagery. His instruction was not limited to insightful lectures, but involved practical guidance as we applied what he taught us in our exegetical projects. This approach—forcing us to wrestle with the text ourselves while still his instruction—gave us the tools to do the same outside the classroom. What I learned from Dr. Leithart will continue to enrich my understanding of the Bible for the rest of my life.

Tara Fernandez, senior, New Saint Andrews College

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