Trinity Institute: William Cavanaugh Says

Trinity Institute: William Cavanaugh Says October 31, 2012

Peter Leithart is one of the most creative and provocative theological writers today. He manages to combine sound critical scholarship with accessible writing and a flair for the dramatic. Who else would think of defending the Emperor Constantine against his legions of critics today? Leithart does so not just to stir the pot, but because he is deeply interested in challenging the church and the world to move beyond lazy and clichéd thinking. Peter Leithart and I do not agree on some issues, but I know that in him I will find a learned and deeply faithful interlocutor who has the best interests of the church in mind and heart, and who wants to bring the best of what the Gospel has to offer to the social context in which we live.

William T. Cavanaugh, Senior Research Fellow, Center for World Catholicism and Intercultural Theology, DePaul University

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