Update from Theopolis

Update from Theopolis June 16, 2015

Friends of the Theopolis Institute:

Before he attended the Theopolis course on Holistic Mission during Easter term, 2014, Jonathan Sedlak lived with his family in the quiet, comfortable Milwau­kee suburb of Slinger, Wisconsin.

An intensive week in Birmingham changed all that. Listening to missionary Wes Baker and hashing over readings and ideas with other students, Jonathan became convinced that he and his family needed to follow a new path. Over the next six months, they moved to downtown Milwaukee, joined an Anglican church, and started looking for ways to serve their neighbors.

Jonathan and his wife volunteer at a food pantry and trek down to the river to visit the camps of the homeless. They seek out fellowship with Christians from other denominations. Joining with Catholics and Lutherans, they are helping to develop community gardens in the inner city, turning the barren waste into Eden.

Jonathan isn’t alone.

Sarah Davis, a church musician from Springfield, Missouri, said her week at the Theopolis music course was “life-transforming.” Studying at Theopolis has impacted “everything” that Clint Hail does at e3 Partners, the ministry where he serves – everything from strategic planning to developing training curriculum for churches in Costa Rica.

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