Seal of the Spirit

Seal of the Spirit February 3, 2016

The New Testament speaks of the “seal of the Spirit” in several places (2 Corinthians 1:22; Ephesians 1:13; 4:30). The Spirit marks out believers, sealing them for the day of redemption. The Spirit is the seal, or affixes the seal – a brand, a mark of ownership, a regimental tattoo – to the followers of Jesus.

Old Testament uses of “seal” imagery suggest another dimension. When Mordecai is elevated by King Ahasuerus, the king gives him the signet ring that he had previously given to Haman (Esther 8:2, 9-10). With the signet ring, Mordecai can issue decrees in the name of the king, and the seal gives his decrees full royal authority.

The gift of the Spirit is a seal or signet in this sense. When Jesus breathes the Spirit on the disciples on Easter, He tells them they can forgive and retain sins (John 20:19-23). The Spirit is not only the Lord’s seal of ownership on the twelve. In giving the Spirit, Jesus places the signet ring of the Father in the hands of His apostles; with the Spirit, they can issue decrees of forgiveness and non-remission with the full authority of Jesus.

The apostles – and through them, the church – become a company of Moredcais, equipped with the seal of a king who rules more than 127 provinces.

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