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Finding the Diary

Settling the estate, the lawyer said. It seemed too grand a way of putting it— bills to be paid, a bank account to close, and finally her mother’s house to sell while her own, half-a-continent away, sat waiting for her with its lights on timers and neighbors dropping in to feed the fish. . . . . Continue Reading »


Abortion and Morality If abortion is to be one of your major concerns, as it was in the premier issue, shouldn’t it be discussed as the tragedy it is for those persons, mostly young and unmarried, who have neither a moral nor a legal right to bear children? Why is fornication itself immoral? . . . . Continue Reading »

Parable from the Prairie

In 1984 a federal court held the public schools of the Kansas City, Missouri, School District to be in systematic violation of the Fourteenth Amendment. Both the district (KCD) and the State of Missouri had consciously worked to maintain racial segregation in the district's schools. The pupil . . . . Continue Reading »

The Bishops and the Middle East

The U.S. Catholic Bishops' Statement on the Middle East, adopted unanimously during the bishops' fall 1989 bicentennial meeting in Baltimore, is a surprisingly straightforward document. When the U.S. government deals with the Arab-Israeli conflict, its language is often more ambiguous. President . . . . Continue Reading »

The Feminist Faith

Elizabeth Achtemeier, professor of Bible at Union Theological Seminary, Virginia, has flatly asserted that radical feminist theology is “another religion.” Some may think that judgment excessive. After all, there are many women who think of themselves as feminists and are also determined to be . . . . Continue Reading »

Discerning . . . to a Point

The Giving and Taking of Life: Essays Ethicalby james turnstead burchtaelluniversity of notre dame press, 324 pages, $29.95 A powerful truth, pressed too far, may finally mislead. That, or something like it, seems to me the right way to describe this book. The essays gathered in this volume are . . . . Continue Reading »

Where's the Glory?

Mine Eyes Have Seen the Glory: A Journey into the Evangelical Subcultureby randall balmeroxford university press, 246 pages, $19.95 While familiarity and education both breed contempt for things like traditional religion, they also, especially in combination, can spawn interesting insights into . . . . Continue Reading »

Asking the Wrong Question

Prophetic Visions and Economic Realities: Protestants, Jews, & Catholics Confront the Bishops’ Letter on the Economyedited by charles straineerdmans, 257 pages, $13.95  Based upon its subtitle, one could imagine any of several different tacks this book might have taken. Editor Charles R. . . . . Continue Reading »

Briefly Noted

Defenders of God: The Fundamentalist Revolt against the Modern Ageby bruce b. lawrence harper & row, 306 pages, $24.95 The subtitle says it all. Lawrence, who teaches the history of religion at Duke, attempts with modest success to analyze similarities between American fundamentalism and militant . . . . Continue Reading »

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