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One of the reasons that many pro-choice feminists oppose all human cloning is the potential for women to be exploited for their eggs. This seems to already be transpiring: “an international market in human eggs exists which treats women like battery hens” is being highlighted by the splendid news clearing house Bioedge.

According to the report, destitute Eastern European women are selling their eggs for $300 per procurement, risking terrible side effects that can include death or sterility. And this is only for IVF uses. Imagine the egg market if cloning takes off, which would require millions of eggs.

No wonder pro-life and pro-choice feminists are opposing the use of human eggs in biotechnological research. Check out this new coalition group that intends to prevent women from being dehumanized as so many egg farms: Hands Off Our Ovaries.

Here’s the original story in the Observer (UK).

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