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At the Papal Youth Rally back in April, my colleague Amanda Shaw and I managed to sneak into the press section. We dodged the Secret Service in part by being interviewed by some folks from Sirius Satellite Radio’s The Catholic Channel who were on hand to cover the event, and in part by their not kicking us out of their area. So I was delighted to see that one of them, Lino Rulli, was profiled in Sunday’s New York Times for his radio show “The Catholic Guy.”

From what the Times said, it sounds like Rulli is the latest in the old Christian tradition of taking the things of the world and using them to proclaim the Gospel: “Still, not many radio hosts use the Imus/Stern model — with on-air sidekicks, comic sound effects and the ad-libbing host who trades in the provocative — while hewing to a message of virginity until marriage and the unquestionable authority of the Catholic Magisterium.”

If you have Sirius, or know someone with questions about the faith who does, you might want to direct them Lino Rulli’s way.



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