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Animal rights types sometimes get so lost in their hyper romanticism about animals they lose touch with reality. This is happening now in Canada in the aftermath of a man killing a bear in self defense. The bear’s cubs subsequently were euthanized. From the story:

A B.C. [British Columbia] man who clubbed a bear to death in self-defence is now defending himself from a smear campaign. Jim West of 70 Mile House says angry animal-rights crusaders have been harassing him at home and impersonating him in e-mails to media outlets...

Mr. West says he’s also been receiving phone calls. “One woman asked me why I killed the bear and why I didn’t run away. Well, you can’t outrun a mother bear,” said Mr. West who is recovering from the 60 stitches to his skull, upper lip and left arm he received in the attack. “It was a matter of survival and I’m sorry people are upset about it, but it was live or die.”

See, this tragedy would not have happened if Mr. West understood that it was his duty to give equal consideration to the bears, that his single life should have been sacrificed rather than lose three bear lives And imagine the suffering caused to the mother bear in bludgeoning her to death.

Mr. West’s attempt at defending his immorality is pathetic:
“I’m sorry that the cubs had to be put down. I’m sorry I had to kill that bear, but she wouldn’t be sorry if she had killed me,” he said.
Typical callous human supremacist sentiment: Bad human, bad, bad human!

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