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Just a quick update, since many of you have asked and all of you were so kind: My daughter Faith is home from the hospital. She’ll still be bed-ridden for a week or so, but she’s now out of danger.

Some strange, life-threatening virus had attacked her lungs—you really don’t want to see your children coughing up blood—but it retreated as mysteriously as it had come. Your prayers may well have been the cause; we have no other explanation. Anyway, in its wake, it left some pneumonia in her weakened lungs, but the doctors have helped that with antibiotics, and she should be able to finish up her convalescence at home.

God bless you all for your prayers in this Christmas season:

Rise up, shepherds, raise your eyes:
the angels sweep the skies.
Like snowflakes, they swirl and dance,
a storm of wild surprise.



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