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In a post last week I made an off-the-cuff remark about liberals being unable to challenge Obama. Several people pointed out that while this may have been true before the election, it has not been true lately. One of my critics noted that even Saturday Night Live was finally criticizing the President.

Saturday Night Live is primarily known for being one of the longest running, consistently unfunny comedy shows on television. Yet it also has the distinction of being consistently behind the curve on popular culture memes. A skit on SNL is a fairly reliable indicator that something is already becoming old news.

While we conservatives may not have picked up on it yet, the liberals (so they claim) are beginning to grow quite weary of President Obama’s ability—despite solid approval ratings and a supermajority in Congress—to get anything done, much less act on the left’s agenda.

After thinking about the situation, I think they may have a point. Conservatives have been able to attack Obama (and rightly so, in my opinion) for his choice of political appointments and his policy proposals. But aside from a few worthless projects that pleased no one (e.g., Clash for Clunkers) he almost nothing to show for his first ten months in office.

If a conservative were to play devil’s advocate and argue that Obama has been effective in a way that should please his liberal critics, what could we say?

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