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. . . at least for the foreseeable future, and at least in most national races.

Obama’s Department of Labor is in the process of banning farm children (including teens) from working on their families’ farms . They are set to implement a pages upon pages of family-farm regulations, including ones forbidding minors from using power screwdrivers and water-hoses on their parents’ farms.

It’s just like those 80s punkers Husker Du said it would be: safety is a big disguise, as they divide and conquer!

But so far no word about any opposition forming in the punk-rock “community.”

And so far no word from our friends at Front Porch Republic.

Indeed the only effective opposition is coming from Republicans in Congress, who are behind the nominally bipartisan letter and a nominally bipartisan bill (check out Senator John Thune’s site , where we we can see that only Senators supporting the current bill are Republicans) that would prevent this despotism.

Not a “dime’s worth of difference,” Porchers?

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