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This is a choice—it’s not a tragedy—
And we exist to help you get it done.
Why make this harder than it has to be?

Click through, review a wide variety
Of products and advice. Please, have some fun!
This is a choice and not a tragedy.

Our pills? Organic, and they’re gluten-free.
Don’t miss our “Steady Stand” to hold your gun.
Why make this harder than it has to be?

All items have a lifetime guarantee,
So rest assured you’ve bought the best, bar none.
Make a choice. Avoid a tragedy:

With our assistance you can probably
Forgo a costly, dangerous dry-run.
Friends make this harder than it has to be,

But we’re committed to your privacy
And won’t disclose your plans to anyone.
This is a choice. It’s not a tragedy.
Why make this harder than it has to be?

Robert Crawford