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The Check Is in the Mail

From the October 2006 Print Edition

In Our Hands: A Plan to Replace the Welfare State by Charles Murray. AEI Press, 140 pages, $20. In his 1984 book, Losing Ground, Charles Murray attacked the welfare system for tempting the poor into dysfunction. Since welfare supported families where the adults had children without marrying or . . . . Continue Reading »

Always Among Us

From the December 1991 Print Edition

The Urban Underclassedited by christopher jencks and paul e. petersonbrookings institution publications, 490 pages, $34.95 Inner-City Poverty in the United Statesedited by lawrence e. lynn, jr. and michael h. mcgearynational academy press, 280 pages, $29.95 The presence of entrenched poverty and . . . . Continue Reading »

Race and Urban Politics

From the February 1991 Print Edition

Most Americans have the sense that something went terribly wrong in the nation’s big cities sometime in the middle of the 1960s. Since then, urban areas have been perceived essentially as centers of social problems, even social pathologies. Urban affairs have become a continuing tale of rising . . . . Continue Reading »