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College Life and Christian Sexual Ethics

From First Thoughts

A couple of months ago, Inside Higher Ed published an article by Joshua Wolff making a passionate case that many Christian colleges, in adhering to the traditions of faith and Scripture on sexual morality, do harm to their homosexual students.  Wolff concluded that “accrediting bodies . . . . Continue Reading »

Nature and the Philosophers

From First Thoughts

You may already have seen it, but if not, have a look at this New York Times article from last weekend, ” Debate Over Intelligent Design Ensnares a Journal .”  It’s a sordid tale of sneering and prejudice, dressed up in the costume of academic philosophy—and of the good . . . . Continue Reading »

God and International Affairs

From First Thoughts

At Public Discourse this week, Timothy Shah, Daniel Philpott, and Monica Toft offer a three-part summary of the findings and arguments in their new book God’s Century: Resurgent Religion and Global Politics .  In Monday’s installment, ” God and Political Science ,” they . . . . Continue Reading »

In Which I Conquer D.B. Hart

From First Thoughts

So ever since First Things posted the May issue online and the commenters (commentators?) got busy, David Bentley Hart’s uproarious takedown of Ayn Rand has led in the generation-of-comments category.  For days on end I despaired of my article ” Religion, Reason, and Same-Sex . . . . Continue Reading »

The Lawful Truth

From the October 2010 Print Edition

Constitutional Illusions and Anchoring Truths: The Touchstone of the Natural Law by hadley arkes cambridge, 280 pages, $25.99 Most readers of this review will need no introduction to Hadley Arkes, who once wrote a book called First Things and has long been a contributor to this magazine and a . . . . Continue Reading »