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Ecumenical Winter?

From the October 2018 Print Edition

In 1870, during a plenary session of the First Vatican Council, the Croatian bishop Josip Strossmayer complained that the introduction to what would become the Dogmatic Constitution on the Catholic Faith contained an unnecessary and false claim that modern unbelief could be traced to Protestantism. . . . . Continue Reading »

D.C. City Council Violates Catholic Schools' Right to Free Exercise of Religion

From First Thoughts

One might think that the District of Columbia, our nation’s capital, would be particularly vigilant in defending the freedoms fundamental to American life. Unfortunately, the District’s City Council has now seen fit to intervene into the life of religious institutions and insist that such institutions handle some topics in ways amenable to the Council’s opinions. Continue Reading »

The Wrong Key

From the December 2010 Print Edition

Christ the Key By Kathryn Tanner Cambridge, 309 pages, $29.99 Far too much of what is published under the name of theology these days has about it the air of the frivolous—but such a complaint cannot be made about the work of Kathryn Tanner. Since her 1988 God and Creation in Christian . . . . Continue Reading »