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Mere Joy

From the May 1997 Print Edition

Life as We Know It: A Father, a Family, and an Exceptional Child By Michael Bérubé. Pantheon, 284 pages, $24. Michael Bérubé, a professor of American and African-American literature at the University of Illinois and, since 1991, the father of a son with Down syndrome, has produced a thick, . . . . Continue Reading »

Jeremiah in South Dakota

From the December 1996 Print Edition

The Cloister Walkby kathleen norris riverhead books, 304 pages, $23.95 I had read Norris’ previous book, Dakota: A Spiritual Geography, and enjoyed the way she consistently unites the exalted and the mundane, finding manifestations of the holy in the most ordinary events and objects. In The . . . . Continue Reading »

The Homesick Homeless

From the May 1993 Print Edition

The greatest challenge the biographer faces is to grasp and reveal the inner life of his subject. His task is simplified when he chooses a subject visibly engaged in great public events of his time—wars, politics, social reform, for example. If the biographer is good at what he does, he will . . . . Continue Reading »