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Fighting for the Right to Life

From First Thoughts

In Wales, Leslie and Nick Hartland are fighting to keep their six-year-old daughter Amber on a ventilator, and therefore alive. Amber has Infantile Tay-Sachs, an incurable brain disease, and was hospitalized with a chest infection. A judge will soon rule on whether doctors can “withdraw the . . . . Continue Reading »

Turner at the Met

From First Thoughts

What looks to be a smashing exhibit of J.M.W. Turner opens today at the Met: The first retrospective of the work of J. M. W. Turner (1775-1851) presented in the United States in more than forty years, this international exhibition highlights approximately 140 paintings and watercolors—more . . . . Continue Reading »

Twinkies vs. Crème Brûlée

From First Thoughts

Shopping for light summer reading is like shopping for desserts in a supermarket. Most books are unfortunately like Hostess twinkies, but if you look hard enough you can find a nice crème brûlée or a tarte aux framboises . (Okay, it’s like shopping in a . . . . Continue Reading »

The Latest on Mark Steyn

From First Thoughts

David Warren gives us the latest on Mark Steyn and the Canadian human rights courts: As was perfunctorily reported on Thursday, the Canadian “Human Rights” Commission, one of three HRCs to which Islamists took Maclean’s magazine for having published Mark Steyn, has . . . . Continue Reading »

A Pilgim’s Progress: Corpus Christi 2008

From Web Exclusives

An excited group of girls behind me—ages five to eight, I think, walking with their mothers: some of them dribbling, others flinging, handfuls of rose petals drawn from their little white baskets. Next the censers, wafting smoke, and then the Sacrament itself, in its monstrance: a great golden sun . . . . Continue Reading »

Kelo Three Years Later

From First Thoughts

Three years ago, the Supreme Court handed down its atrocious Kelo decision, which allowed local governments to take private land if they believed it could be developed in a way advantageous to the local economy. Steven Malanga reviews the results on Real Clear Markets: Most Americans object to such . . . . Continue Reading »

The Lolita Effect

From First Thoughts

The Washington Post has a review of The Lolita Effect , a book that focuses on the sexualization of young girls and asks what can be done about it. Based on the review, the book is solid when it comes to showing how this early sexualization hurts young girls and produces other social ills (child . . . . Continue Reading »

Pew Forum’s Full Report

From First Thoughts

The Pew Forum has just released part II of its much-discussed US Religious Landscape Survey . The first report focused on religious affiliation, while the second stressed religious beliefs and practices, and social and political views. More commentary will follow in the coming weeks, but take a . . . . Continue Reading »

Contra Anti-Americanism

From First Thoughts

Fouad Ajami says in the Wall Street Journal that despite our many problems, and more polls showing how many people abroad dislike us, the promise of America still offers more freedom than any other place: “It is one thing to rail against the Pax Americana. But after the pollsters are gone, . . . . Continue Reading »