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The Audacity of Death

From First Thoughts

The title of the article says it all. Daniel Allott— in an article from the American Spectator , now reproduced on the Wall Street Journal’s opinion page—highlights Barack Obama’s position on abortion by interviewing someone Obama would have rather seen dead: According to . . . . Continue Reading »

Abortion and the Academy

From First Thoughts

According to Canada’s National Post , the student union at York University has decided to table its proposed ban on student clubs that oppose abortion. Gilary Massa, vice-president external of the York Federation of Students, said student clubs will be free to discuss abortion in student . . . . Continue Reading »

Catholic Summer Reading

From First Thoughts

We recently received a message from Aquinas and Moore, a Catholic book retailer with a program for summer reading that might interest some of our readers: I recently read Todd Aglialoro’s April 25, 2008 Inside Catholic article “Whatever Happened to Popular Catholic Fiction?” with . . . . Continue Reading »

Errors in the Gospel of Judas

From First Thoughts

You’ll recall that two years ago National Geographic unveiled The Gospel of Judas, an apocryphal Christian text that portrayed Judas as the hero who betrayed Jesus in accordance with Jesus’ desire to be free from his physical body. The scholarly proponents of “alternative . . . . Continue Reading »

True Progressivism

From First Thoughts

Yesterday I read G. K. Chesterton’s Heretics for the first time and came across a passage on progress: The case of the general talk of “progress” is, indeed, an extreme one. As enunciated today, “progress” is simply a comparative of which we have not settled the . . . . Continue Reading »

Free Back Issues of First Things

From First Thoughts

A reader writes to tell us that he will be moving within a month and cannot take along copies of First Things stretching back to August/September ‘94. If anyone in or near Passaic County, New Jersey would like to pick them up, please contact Fr. Ken Smith at 973-427-9007 or via e-mail . . . . . Continue Reading »

Burma and the UN

From First Thoughts

Burma has been in the news recently with the wake of Cyclone Nargis and the junta’s reluctance to admit foreign aid to the country’s suffering citizens. On The Weekly Standard’s website, Joseph Loconte points out the ways in which the UN has done nothing to fight the tyranny of . . . . Continue Reading »

Joseph and Chico

From First Thoughts

I’d heard that someone had written a children’s story about the pope’s life as told from a cat’s perspective. I thought it was a novel idea, and when a publicist asked if I’d like a copy, I said I’d take a look. Joseph and Chico is by an Italian journalist living . . . . Continue Reading »

The Music of the Spheres

From the May 2008 Print Edition

Late one night, a young scholar at Cambridge named Michael Ward reads “The Planets,” a minor poem by C.S. Lewis. In it he encounters a curious phrase about the influence of Jupiter: winter passed / And guilt forgiv’n. This, he notices, is exactly what happens in one of Lewis’s most . . . . Continue Reading »

The Hip Hop Prayer Book

From First Thoughts

Today a friend pointed me toward The Hip Hop Prayerbook , designed by an Episcopal church in the South Bronx as “a powerful evangelism tool” designed to offer “a means to worship that will draw in the young and speak to those not generally spoken to by the Church.” I have no . . . . Continue Reading »