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Non Possumus

From the February 2018 Print Edition

Kidnapped by the Vatican? The Unpublished Memoirs of Edgardo Mortaraby vittorio messoriignatius, 190 pages, $17.95 At nightfall on Wednesday, June 23, 1858, a knock came on the door of Salomone and Marianna Mortara, Jewish residents of Bologna. Only the wife was at home with the children. It . . . . Continue Reading »


From the May 2007 Print Edition

Praeambula Fidei: Thomism and the God of the Philosophers by Ralph McInerny The Catholic University of America Press, 310 pages, $34.95 If Ralph McInerny had not written this book, then someone like McInerny would have had to write it. That person would have been difficult to locate. When it comes . . . . Continue Reading »

The Decline of Marriage

From the December 1998 Print Edition

From Sacrament to Contract: Marriage, Religion, and Law in the Western Traditionby john witte, jr.westminster/john knox, 315 pages, $24 As its principal objective, this ninth volume in the series “The Family, Religion, and Culture” aims to illuminate the transformation of the institution of . . . . Continue Reading »