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Rescuing Evil

From the October 2010 Print Edition

At the close of the final 2010 Templeton-Cambridge Journalism Fellowship seminar series in Cambridge this June, after writer Rob Stein’s informative discussion of “Conscience,” as everyone began packing up, one of the moderators, Sir Brian Heap, turned to me and asked (presumably because . . . . Continue Reading »

Down and Dirty

From the June/July 2010 Print Edition

The Pregnant Widow by martin amis alfred a. knopt, 384 pages, $26.95 Martin Amis’ Money was a superb novel. Still is. Don’t let anybody tell you different. Vintage 1984, its Rabelaisian account of the self-destruction of John Self, its unreliable, infinitely defilable narrator, a one-man Bubble . . . . Continue Reading »