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How the Person Became a Self

From Web Exclusives

In Strange New World, Trueman uncovers and describes the underlying social and intellectual forces that explain why his grandfather would have rejected sexual reassignment without a second thought but President Biden can declare that “transgender equality is the civil rights issue of our time.” Continue Reading »

On Marriage, Protect Freedom For All

From First Thoughts

In the wake of the Supreme Court’s ruling on marriage, the question is: who deserves to be coerced by the government to embrace the Court’s new definition of marriage, or penalized for declining to do so? The answer: No one. The government is not justified in coercing or penalizing anyone or any institution that believes and acts on the belief that marriage is a union of husband and wife. Continue Reading »

​Why Is Religious Freedom At Risk?

From Web Exclusives

In recent political memory, religious liberty was a value that brought together conservatives, libertarians, and progressives. As recently as 1993, the federal Religious Freedom Restoration Act was passed by a nearly unanimous Congress and signed by a Democratic president. Today, the same value is . . . . Continue Reading »

Same-Sex Marriage and Heresy

From Web Exclusives

In the wake of the Supreme Court’s ruling in Obergefell v. Hodges, many people have been wondering what do we do now. In my just-released book, Truth Overruled: The Future of Marriage and Religious Freedom, I argue that the pro-marriage movement should take its cue from pro-lifers after Roe v. . . . . Continue Reading »