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Wesley J. Smith is a senior fellow at the Discovery Institute’s Center on Human Exceptionalism, and consults for the Patients Rights Council.

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Media Clueless on "Right to Die" Term

From First Thoughts

The BBC has an inappropriate “right to die” headline over a story involving the tragic case of a woman who died after refusing a blood transfusion because her of faith as a Jehovah’s Witness. In fact, the woman did not want to die. And the story acknowledges the case actually . . . . Continue Reading »

Overweight People Live Longer

From First Thoughts

I think we are so awash in “scientific studies”—many hyper-politicized or contradictory with other studies—that it seems to me that they offer little of value any more. For example, some researchers claim that calorie deprivation can extend lives. But a now verified study . . . . Continue Reading »

Judging My Bioethics Predictions for 2007

From First Thoughts

Last year the Center for Bioethics and Culture asked me to prognosticate about what would happen in the world of bioethics and biotechnology in 07. I did and now it is time to judge my future as an augur. I was right in 5 out of 8 predictions, to wit:1. The Bush policy on federal funding of ESCR . . . . Continue Reading »