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China Marketing Organs of Executed Prisoners

There is so much that could be written about this. But, I will just point out that the same dehumanizing, commodifying activity could be unleashed if there is ever widespread human cloning. The need for millions of eggs could result in a the exploitation of women for their eggs, or the selling of . . . . Continue Reading »

The End of the "Cult of Hwang"

South Korean scientists are furious with the “scam” they believe was perpetrated by Woo-Suk Hwang, to the point that they want him “punished.” I am not sure what that might mean, but if he obtained government or private funding based on fraudulent assertions, that could be a . . . . Continue Reading »

Some Truth Telling in NATURE

Nature has an interesting article about the Hwang debacle. A couple of quotes stuck out for me.“In the past few days, doubts have also been raised about the authenticity of [Hwang’s] 2004 paper... But whether it is valid or not, the loss of confidence in the 2005 study leaves scientists . . . . Continue Reading »

Hwang May Have Faked First Cloning Report

The Hwang scandal may involve his every notable scientific work. Questions are now being asked whether he actually cloned a dog and gestated it to birth, which no other biotechnologists have ever been able to do. Now, it looks as if his first announcement in Science, that he had cloned human embryos . . . . Continue Reading »



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