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The "Case of the Chilled Witness"

My point about academic opponents of all human cloning being threatened with career ramifications if they support abolitionist bills, is being discussed in the National Review’s blog, The Corner. Here is a specific example from The Corner of this anti-democratic and anti-academic freedom . . . . Continue Reading »

And Now—Ugh—Some Defend Bestiality

There is an awful case in Washington of a man killed during sexual congress with a horse. Apparently, this occurred at a farm known among those who engage in that sort of thing for permitting animals to be used as sexual objects, and yes, unfortunately, video taping is involved. I only mention it . . . . Continue Reading »

Now Umbilical Cord Blood Stem Cells Advance

It looks like a type of umbilical cord blood stem cell may have the properties sought by scientists for use in medical treatments. This is known in science-speak as pluripotency, that is, the ability to morph (differentiate) into different tissue types. This is another bit of interesting news that . . . . Continue Reading »



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