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Rodney Coronado is one of the more dangerous animal rights thugs in the country who was previously imprisoned for committing arson “for the animals.” Well, it looks like he is going to the hoosegow again, having entered into a plea bargain with prosecutors. From the story:

A well-known animal rights activist pleaded guilty yesterday to a charge of showing people at a speech in San Diego four years ago how to make a destructive device with the goal of having someone commit a violent crime.

Outside court, Singleton said Coronado accepted the deal to move on with his life and raise his family. Coronado already spent four years in federal prison for committing arson at animal research labs in Michigan.

“I needed to do what is best for my family,” Coronado, 41, said after he entered his guilty plea. He is free on bond until his sentencing in March. The rarely used federal law Coronado pleaded guilty to carries a maximum of 20 years in prison. But Coronado and the government have agreed to ask Judge Jeffrey Miller to impose a sentence of a year plus one day in federal prison, Singleton said.

I’ll bet he has been involved in far more than these charges would imply. But this is good news. Hopefully Coronado’s love for his family and a second prison term will induce him to cease all criminality and encouragement thereof in the cause of animal liberation.

More on: Animal Rights

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