Mollie Hemingway follows on up on the fallout from Rowan Williams’ declaration that “some form” of Shariah law is “inevitable” in Britain.
Favorite headline: ” Has the Archbishop Gone Bonkers?” Gledhill comments on how “uncharacteristically clear” the archbishop suddenly became when the issue was the future of Islamic law in Britain, a clarity normally missing when discussing controversial issues within his own church.
What can we take from this? That the only way to resolve the ongoing Anglican confusion is to accept Shariah law in supposedly secular Britain, thereby frightening doctrinally disparate members of the Communion into compromising and finding common ground? Perhaps motivating them finally into working to preserve the Christian heritage of the Motherland before women are regularly beheaded in Wembley Stadium?
Nah. He probably didn’t mean anything at all. He probably only bent in anticipation of where the wind would blow. Which is one definition of progressi ve.
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